Even The Lame Got Tricked By Me Into Standing Up – Chapter 67 Part 1

Chapter 67 Gu Ye (ETL) Part 1


Chapter 67 Master Gu suddenly appeared on the hot search

After the celebration in Elder Tang’s house, Gu Ye returned to school but only managed to catch up with one class. In the evening, he borrowed Xia Xiang’s notes and made up for the lessons after returning home. Hong Dou felt sorry for him being tired, so she came out of the Buddhist beads and planned to make him some midnight snack.

Without raising his head, Gu Ye said, “Sister Hong Dou, I’m not hungry. You should take good care of your injuries. Ling Ling, take 2 soul-nourishing incense sticks from the drawer in the lower left corner of my bookshelf.”

“Okay!” Ling Ling answered. Wearing a pink bunny costume, she held 2 incense sticks taller than her and trotted over. Kuman Thong followed from behind, holding a lighter. Hong Dou lit the incense sticks by herself and sat behind Gu Ye.

Dahei saw Hong Dou sitting down, so he made his soul leave his body. Then, he jumped to Hong Dou’s side in a few steps and lay on Hong Dou’s legs. Hong Dou gently stroked the cat in her arms and asked gently, “Master, are you going to take action against the Xuanshu Association? You are so busy with your studies now, how can you have time?”

Gu Ye smiled and said, “The way of the Gu family is to not do things by ourselves when it can be solved by spending money. Everything is fine as long as we can make the money back.”

Hong Dou frowned in confusion, but Gu Ye did not mean to explain. After reading the notes, he picked up the scissors and cut paper figures until late at night.

In the middle of the night, a hoarse voice suddenly rang out at the entrance of Xuanshu Association:

“Let’s row our oars, and the boat pushes away the waves~”

“The sea reflects the beautiful…that tower, let’s row our oars!”

“Hahahaha~~Good singing! Encore!”

Everyone sleeping in the association dormitory was woken up by these tone-deaf ghost shouts and screams. Normal people can’t hear these sounds, but the stronger the spiritual power, the clearer they can hear. Many people sat up in the middle of the night, “What kind of ghost is this at the door? How dare you make noise here?”

After the song was finished, it was quiet for 2 minutes. Everyone in Xuanshu Association breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the mentally retarded ghost had finally left and they could sleep. Just when they were about to fall asleep, someone started singing, “I am the strongest, the best, the brightest, the most shining, and no one can stop me from sprouting! I sprout!”

A shout from the soul came out from a hoarse voice, and the pitch was twice as high, which woke up the people who were about to fall asleep. When they heard that, there were still many people cheering, “Nice! Applause! One more!”

The people of the Xuanshu Association were furious. Many young people threw off their blankets, put on down jackets in the cold weather and stormed downstairs. “Where did this wandering ghost come from? Do you know where this place is? Get out of here!”

The young man cursed and cursed, but he was stunned when he went out. There were at least hundreds of ghosts gathered at the gate of the association, gathering together for a party. Seeing the young man come out, all the ghosts looked at him, and the young man’s scalp tingled for a while.


These ghosts died in all kinds of ways, some missing arms or legs. Some died of illness and their faces looked blue and purple. Some drowned, and there were still aquatic plants and kelp hanging on their bodies.

Being stared at by so many ghosts, the young man’s aura was instantly suppressed, and he said nervously, “I tell you, all the people living here are mystic masters. If you don’t want your souls to be scattered, leave quickly, otherwise, we will not be polite to you!”

The receptionist guy also looked sullen, “They don’t have any evil aura on them, and they haven’t done anything bad. They are obviously innocent ghosts waiting in line to be reincarnated. After our magic arrays were destroyed by Gu Ye, they haven’t been repaired yet, so we can’t stop these ghosts from making a ruckus.”

At this moment, several masters came down, all holding weapons. They were very angry from being woken up, “What’s wrong with you? Who sang just now? How dare you sing so badly?”

Hearing that, a ghost with a crooked neck became unhappy, and stood up aggressively, “Why is my singing bad? If you have the ability, you can sing it. It’s free and yet you are not happy to listen to it. Do you have any sense of reason?”

“That’s right!”

“Bullying people, bah! I mean bullying ghosts!”

“You!” The man gritted his teeth in anger, holding the peach wood sword, and asked fiercely, “I dare you to say another word!”

“Help! The people of Xuanshu Association are going to kill ghosts!”

When this ghost shouted, many ghosts reacted and scared the ghosts around to jump up, “Help! Someone is killing ghosts!”

The scene was chaotic for a while, and the young people of the Xuanshu Association were confused. They were just trying to scare them. Who killed ghosts? Is it right for them to ‘cry wolf’? At this point, no one dares to touch them. The outside world has already said that they killed innocent ghosts. If they dare to touch the ghosts, they will be accused of killing innocent ghosts for real.

An older master saw that this was not going to work, so he ran to the ghosts and said, “Calm down! Calm down! You didn’t do anything bad, we won’t arrest you! Brother, you sing very well, really, but the time and place are not good. Can’t you sing in the suburbs? This disturbs the people.”

“We won’t go, we just want to sing here, there is a big place here!” The crooked-necked ghost sat cross-legged on the ground and refused to move. “Brothers and sisters, get excited! Twist the dance up!”

A group of little ghosts jumped up happily, “Why sleep? Let’s have fun together!”

Several masters were so angry that their faces turned black. They really couldn’t do anything about the ghosts, so they went back with gritted teeth.

This group of ghosts danced and sang at the gate of the Xuanshu Association and had a party all night. The next morning, the association president came, and the people who stayed in the dormitory exploded into commotion. They all ran to the hall to gather and complain while standing in the hall with dark circles under their eyes.

“It’s tiring enough on a normal day where I ran all over the country to do missions but I can’t even get a good night’s sleep when I come back. Then for incoming missions, I’m afraid I’m not in good spirits and will be in danger.”

“We can’t hit them or scold them. We haven’t even said anything yet, they’ve already made a fuss, saying that we killed a ghost, and the ghosts within a few miles can hear it!”

“Last night until now, all I could think about was that tone-deaf howl in a broken voice. You can howl if you want, but at least get the words right damn it! There was not a single correct word from beginning to end. I really can’t stand it with my OCD!”

“I can’t take it anymore, I had an impulse last night to take a knife out and chop them down.”

“Don’t talk nonsense! If this word gets out, we really will be labeled as guilty.”

After receiving such a report, the upper level also realized that it was unusual, “How can so many ghosts gather together? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Someone must be messing with us, and they deliberately targetted us.”

“Is it Gu Ye? The only person I’ve offended recently is Gu Ye. Only someone named Gu Ye could do such a wicked thing.”

An old man immediately refuted, “Impossible, this Gu Ye is very straightforward, he will confront anyone directly, just like he came to the door that night. He is so young, how can he be so scheming? What is he trying to do?”

Jing Lianzhong has no time to deal with these things recently, “Hurry up and repair the magic circle and stop them outside. If it doesn’t work, find a ghost, give him some money, and ask them why they gathered here.”

That day, the people of the Xuanshu Association called back the people who knew how to make arrays and rushed to complete a magic circle. It took the whole evening to make one and cost dozens of talismans. The people of the Xuanshu Association breathed a sigh of relief. The ghosts should not dare to come at night.

What no one expected was that this group of ghosts gathered again at midnight!

The ghost with a hoarse voice had a duet this time, and the two of them kept howling until dawn!

The people of the Xuanshu Association were almost crazy. When they checked the magic circle, they found that it had been destroyed. The upper level knew that someone was deliberately trying to mess with them, but they didn’t know who it was. Now, they are facing the election of the president of the association, and there are schemes going around. Who knows if it is an insider who is deliberately making trouble?

It has only been a few days, and the upper level of the association has not found out what is going on. People living in the association dormitory can’t stand it anymore. Most of these people are young people who have no home or job, so they choose to live in the dormitory of the association. However, these ghosts gather here every day, and they can’t even sleep. Finally, some young people can’t stand it.

If I can’t afford to provoke them, I can afford to hide. So, why don’t I move out? When one person leaves, others will follow. In a few days, one-third of the dormitory of the association is empty.

The Xuanshu Association also tried to keep the people from leaving, telling them that if they left, the association would not give them rental subsidies. But the young people don’t care about that little subsidy. It doesn’t cost much to rent a house together.

And so, the management level of the association stopped caring about them, “Forget it, if you want to leave, leave. But you still have to come back to take the mission.”

At this moment, a new small group appeared. This small group is actually a replica of the association, and it is also a group chat where friends in the mystic society gather together. The circle of the mystic society is so small that if you meet someone, they may be the friend of your friend’s friend. Hence, in the group chat, you pull me in, I pull him in, and soon, many young people are pulled into the group chat.

Someone suggested, “We can play in our group by ourselves, why do we have to join a society to be controlled by others? How much money we earn is our own. As long as we don’t harm others, don’t use mystic arts to harm others, and don’t attack innocent ghosts, we can be upright and will not be punished by God. Moreover, we are free to work any time, and there is no regulation on where to live. We don’t have to go back to the headquarters. In the future, if there is something going on, we will fight together, eat meat together, and beat up bastards together. Just thinking about it makes me feel good!”

At first, everyone just waited and watched, but after two days of talking, everyone’s mind became active. Old people are hard to fool, but young people often go online and run around every day. They have seen a lot and their hearts are wild. Many of them know that their income is not equal to the money given by the client, and they have been angry for a long time. The young apprentices with masters are more obedient, while those in their twenties and thirties who are not supervised by masters have their own ideas. Now the group is full of people of similar age, and many of the words are spoken from the heart, and they are really moved by the freedom and flexibility.

However, everyone is more concerned about one question, “Where can I get the job postings then? If there is no work, what will I eat? Where will I live?”

“Why are you so stupid? Go out and have fun! Use your eyes to observe and help where there is a need! Ask more from rich people and ask less from poor people. Do you need to be taught?”

This group of young people suddenly felt that they had opened the door to a new world. “Is it possible to do this?”

Someone replied, who seemed to have been wronged in the Xuanshu Association before. He said with both exhaustion and depression, “We learn Xuanshu to save people! To put it simply, it is to support our families but to put it more broadly, it is for the people of the world! We are not in the moral classes for retards. Joining the association is originally wage labor, so who stipulates that we must follow the ‘three obediences and four virtues’ like a married woman?”

“These years have been too difficult, I get up earlier than the chickens, sleep later than the dogs, and do life-threatening work, but in the end… my salary is not enough to buy a house, and I borrowed money for rent from friends.”

After hearing this, many young people sympathized with him. Think about themselves, aren’t they miserable too? Everyone suddenly had a common language and vented together. As they chatted, everyone felt that staying in the association was indeed not as good as going out and seeing the world. It was too tiring to get that little salary.

As a result, the management level of the association received more than a dozen resignation letters every day, and the reason quoted a popular sentence on the Internet: The world is so big, I want to see it.

With so many people leaving, the association must investigate the reasons. This investigation almost made them choke. This group of young people actually wanted to form a small group by themselves!

Although the Xuanshu Association had a headache, it was not difficult to solve this problem. After all, it was just the young people who wanted to leave. The older generation did not move as their roots were still there. At this moment, Elder Tang and several old gentlemen who founded the society spoke out, “Let’s not hold an election and disband instead. There is no need to do it anymore so if everyone can give us face, let’s disband.”

As soon as this sentence came out, those old people who grew up in the association and went through a lot of ups and downs with Elder Tang were shaken. They were reluctant to leave before, but now there is nothing that they’ll miss. Elder Tang already said to disband, so what is there to do? Hence, a group of masters in their 40s and 50s also submitted their resignation letters. The reason was simple: they were old and wanted to retire.

The management level of the association was furious. What the hell is retirement? How old are they?!

In short, if the older masters were not allowed to resign, they would ask for leave. If the leave applications were not approved, they would ask for sick leave instead. For a while, no one took up the tasks of the Xuanshu Association.

The upper management saw that this was not going to work. They held a meeting and discussed it, and began to formulate policies: increase wages, double it! No! Triple it!

Just when some people were wavering by the wages, the small group started gossiping again: “I heard that Xie Cheng went to someone’s house to check Feng Shui, and the rich businessman gave him 1 million yuan!”

(⊙o⊙) Wow!!!

Raw word count: 6646 (whole chapter)


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